My Iceland repertoire

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This Friday I’ll be jet setting to a place a little different to anywhere I’ve been before. Iceland in Winter! The most time I’ve spent in 0 degree temperatures has been half a day at both Mount Baw Baw and Lake Mountain in Victoria so you can imagine I’m going to be a little shocked when I step off the plane in Reykjavik on Saturday. I’ll be attending a workshop held by seasoned professional and all round nice guy Tom Mackie.

Shooting in the cold and wind as led me to packing a bit differently for this next trip. My last major trip was to Tuscany in spring where I barely had to wear a jacket except for in the mornings. I’ve definitely spent a fair amount of time and money at camping and outdoors stores lately as you can imagine. I’ve focussed this blog not only around just camera gear but a few winter goodies as well.

Below definitely isn’t everything I’ll be taking but besides my boots (more on them later) everything you see below and a little more fits into my F-stop Loka bag which also fits into overhead on a plane which is an added bonus.

Where do I start well scroll down a little further and let’s get into some of the gear..

iceland-gear (1 of 5)

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Canola Road Trippin’

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Yesterday afternoon I hit the road with the mission of searching for populous areas of canola and a nice part of Victoria with some wind farms. I usually try and get out every spring to shoot canola fields at various areas around Melbourne and Victoria. Up until now I’ve shot on the way down to Geelong. Below is a shot I took last year near the town of Little River near the You Yangs just after sunrise.

Little River Canola

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All the gear, but any idea?

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Not sure exactly why I chose to use that heading as an intro into this story, I think it may come from a saying we use fairly commonly in the industry I work in! This Saturday I’ll be heading over to Italy for a couple of weeks and I thought I’d upload a little bit of a post on what camera equipment I choose to travel with and why. I get asked all the time especially on social media about my equipment so find it all laid out for you below! To be perfectly honest with you I shoot with this stuff pretty much every time I head out with the exception of maybe the laptop and my bigger 70-200mm lens. For those interested I’ll be flying into Rome, then to a Photography workshop for a week in Val d’Orcia with Tom Mackie, to Venice for a couple of nights and back to Rome before flying home to Melbourne.

My gear

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A Photographer’s Guide To Phillip Island – Part 1: ‘The Pinnacles’

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Phillip Island is a place for me that brings back fond memories of my childhood. Growing up our extended family had a place at Ventnor and summers were spent down at the beach house walking the dogs, sleeping in, heading to the beach at YCW and watching one day cricket on the telebox. These were just a few memories from this place, and not to mention some of the stunning natural landscapes on such a relatively small island. More on this later!

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Bushrangers Bay

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There’s nothing quite like visiting a place for the first time in my opinion. I mean I’ve been to Cape Schanck more times than I can count but for some reason, maybe due to shear slackness I’d never made it across to its friendly neighbour Bushrangers Bay. Well there’s a first time for everything and so after work I jumped in the car and headed down the coast.

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What’s involved in a shoot?

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I get asked quite often especially on social media platforms on all kinds of different advice ranging from how I get certain effects to what I do at the post processing stage after the shoot has concluded – usually performed late at night after a long drive home from somewhere dreary eyed after belting out tunes in the car stereo.

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