Tag Archives: cape

A Photographer’s Guide To Phillip Island – Part 1: ‘The Pinnacles’

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Phillip Island is a place for me that brings back fond memories of my childhood. Growing up our extended family had a place at Ventnor and summers were spent down at the beach house walking the dogs, sleeping in, heading to the beach at YCW and watching one day cricket on the telebox. These were just a few memories from this place, and not to mention some of the stunning natural landscapes on such a relatively small island. More on this later!

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Bushrangers Bay

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There’s nothing quite like visiting a place for the first time in my opinion. I mean I’ve been to Cape Schanck more times than I can count but for some reason, maybe due to shear slackness I’d never made it across to its friendly neighbour Bushrangers Bay. Well there’s a first time for everything and so after work I jumped in the car and headed down the coast.

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