Tag Archives: europe

All the gear, but any idea?

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Not sure exactly why I chose to use that heading as an intro into this story, I think it may come from a saying we use fairly commonly in the industry I work in! This Saturday I’ll be heading over to Italy for a couple of weeks and I thought I’d upload a little bit of a post on what camera equipment I choose to travel with and why. I get asked all the time especially on social media about my equipment so find it all laid out for you below! To be perfectly honest with you I shoot with this stuff pretty much every time I head out with the exception of maybe the laptop and my bigger 70-200mm lens. For those interested I’ll be flying into Rome, then to a Photography workshop for a week in Val d’Orcia with Tom Mackie, to Venice for a couple of nights and back to Rome before flying home to Melbourne.

My gear

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