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My Iceland repertoire

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This Friday I’ll be jet setting to a place a little different to anywhere I’ve been before. Iceland in Winter! The most time I’ve spent in 0 degree temperatures has been half a day at both Mount Baw Baw and Lake Mountain in Victoria so you can imagine I’m going to be a little shocked when I step off the plane in Reykjavik on Saturday. I’ll be attending a workshop held by seasoned professional and all round nice guy Tom Mackie.

Shooting in the cold and wind as led me to packing a bit differently for this next trip. My last major trip was to Tuscany in spring where I barely had to wear a jacket except for in the mornings. I’ve definitely spent a fair amount of time and money at camping and outdoors stores lately as you can imagine. I’ve focussed this blog not only around just camera gear but a few winter goodies as well.

Below definitely isn’t everything I’ll be taking but besides my boots (more on them later) everything you see below and a little more fits into my F-stop Loka bag which also fits into overhead on a plane which is an added bonus.

Where do I start well scroll down a little further and let’s get into some of the gear..

iceland-gear (1 of 5)

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